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Glutathione (GSH) Miracle Molecule and Degenerative Disease-a conversation with an expert!

I decided to do a Google search on Glutathione PubMed 2023 and I saw at least 4,380,000 results!

I have been collecting pearls and information about Acetyl Glutathione from my friend and expert Ted K a Naturopath and Pharmacist and my mentor for the past 20 years, when I started taking Acetyl Glutathione. I have not missed a day since!!

I am chronologically 65 years young, but I feel much younger biologically-I want to share information I have learned through using this Miracle Molecule myself and for my clients at Murray Avenue Apothecary and LabNaturals, Inc. (LabNaturals.com to GlutathionePharmacist.com)

Roughly one out of every three Americans is now suffering from a degenerative disease like, heart disease (which kills over 620,000 people every year) or cancer (deaths from which are expected to top 630,000 by 2020).

Several researchers speculate that the widespread occurrence of these diseases is due to a deficiency in Glutathione (GSH).

Unfortunately, as we age, GSH levels plunge – which increases our risk of degenerative disease and major health issues-Heart disease, Stroke, Diabetes, most Autoimmune disorders, Autism (GSH typically 50% lower in Autism), high Cholesterol, Asthma, cigarette smoking, Hepatitis and Non-alcoholic fatty liver, HIV, AIDS, cancer, all forms of Arthritis, Neuropathic pain, Brain injury, Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s disease, Lupus, Adrenal fatigue, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, all forms of herpes including Shingles, Epstein-Barr, Cystic Fibrosis, Psoriasis, and more.

Dr. Mark Hyman, the Medical Director at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine, reports that “virtually all patients suffering from chronic degenerative disease” (including those with cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disease, and Alzheimer’s disease) are “deficient in glutathione.”

GSH is the essential A.I.D to health. It is the MASTER ANTIOXIDANT in our body, it optimizes the IMMUNE system and DETOXIFIES pollutants, pesticides and insecticides, food additives, toxins, alcohol, drugs, and carcinogens.

GSH prevents cell damage by neutralizing harmful molecules known as free radicals (reduces oxidative stress); regulates DNA and protein synthesis (production); and promotes cell growth and protection, and immune response.

**Low GSH levels lead to premature aging, disease, and death. GSH supplementation breaks the cycle.

GSH is distributed in the body in all cells, but according to need, the tissues with greatest need will get GSH first. Lungs, brain, heart, liver, kidneys, and eyes. The lungs use most of the GSH in the body and people with Emphysema, COPD, Asthma, and Covid benefit greatly from replacement GSH.

Reduced Glutathione (GSH), the master antioxidant in the body, is composed of three amino acids (L-cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine), and is found in every cell in the body – with particularly high concentrations in the liver, where it is produced and stored.

Why are GSH levels low?

Pharmaceutical drugs and over-the-counter medications (i.e Acetaminophen), aging, alcohol, cigarette smoking, poor diet and processed foods, obesity, physical and emotional stress, infection and prolonged illness, lack of sleep, radiation, injury, and exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants and pathogens all deplete GSH.

Glutathione levels – normally optimal in young people – decrease inevitably with age by about 8%-12% per decade beginning at age 20. By age 70, many adults only have 50 percent of the glutathione levels needed to maintain health! GSH is lowest in the AM.

How do we raise Glutathione (GSH)?

Important! WE NEED glutathione TO MAKE Glutathione!!!!

We cannot effectively raise GSH levels by eating it and I will show you that it must be raised by taking Acetyl Glutathione due to a lack of bio activity of whey protein and taking enough precursors without issue.

Proper nutrition and a healthy diet are a “must” for efficient glutathione production.

Whey protein is a large group of proteins from human and mammal milk. There is even a product called Immunocal produced pharmaceutically. But the problem is protein denaturation which is breakdown in protein structure. The protein is no bioactive when this happens and there is a concern about environmental toxins passing into the milk.

Eating foods rich in the amino acids that your body needs for the assembly of glutathione.

Foods high in sulfur – including cruciferous vegetables like kale, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli – are important to produce cysteine, a vital GSH precursor.

Vegetables in the allium family, such as onions, garlic, leeks, and chives, can also help you ramp up your cysteine levels and may help in the production of GSH.

Foods high in vitamin C – found in citrus fruits, strawberries, red peppers, and kiwifruit – vitamin E, found in almonds, spinach and sunflower seeds, and folate – found in chickpeas, pinto beans, and lentils. All these nutrients help to recycle and utilize GSH in the body during the liver detoxification process.

A variety of natural supplements may also help boost glutathione production.

NAC is the most popular and is an RX drug used to break up mucus in those with cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, and asthma and as a standard treatment for Acetaminophen overdose.

Problems with NAC being used to raise GSH include:

  1. Only 10% of NAC converted to GSH and NAC has a short half-life.
  2. Higher doses of AG work better
  3. Need GSH in liver to convert NAC to GSH
  4. Takes 10-20x more of precursors to make GSH i.e. whey, milk thistle (2-3 gm needed)
  5. 300mg GSH=30gm Milk Thistle=3g NAC
  6. Milk Thistle stimulates the liver to make GSH but doesn’t work in people with fatty liver or non-methylations

Melatonin, milk thistle, L-Methionine, Glutamine, and the antioxidant mineral selenium have all been found to modestly increase GSH as well but each comes with a caution.

Lipoic Acid occurs naturally in the body and can replenish GSH’s antioxidant powers by converting it back to its reduced form after GSH molecules neutralize free radicals and become oxidized themselves.

Why Acetyl Glutathione (AG)?

Acetyl Glutathione was being studied at Harvard in 1965 but nothing was done with the study and the patent expired.

Thanks to my friend and mentor, a Pharmacist and Naturopath, Acetyl Glutathione has been available since 1998.

He used it on himself!! He had smoked 2 packs a day for 25 years and had symptoms of COPD-he took AG for 2 yrs and went back to his doctor who could find no evidence of COPD!!

His Atrial Fibrillation cleared up and his fasting blood sugar went from 110 to 90, his joint pain went away, and his energy increased as well as improvements in his skin and hair.

Reduced Glutathione is (GSH) is the most powerful antioxidant found in the human body and acts a free radical scavenger and detoxifying agent.

Reduced GSH is not bioavailable when taken orally and not appreciably absorbed, is foul smelling, and oxidized before it can be absorbed from the digestive tract.

We need to modify the GSH and add an Acetyl group to it.

Acetylation is the way all Amino Acids are transported through the body and into the brain. An acetylated form prevents peptidase enzymes from decomposing the peptides.

AG is stable in all the digestive system and is well absorbed. Studies show that AG increased cellular GSH and affected oxidative stress bio markers positively. This means it lowered oxidative stress and in turn lowered inflammation in the cell.

There is 69% more absorption using AG than L-Reduced GSH

AG passes the BBB to protect neurons and GSH heals barriers in the lungs, gut, and brain.

If the Brain needs GSH for example, then the liver must take the GSH from the liver, acetylate it and send it to the brain. Taking Acetyl Glutathione eliminates this work.

It is important to discuss Liposomes because there are Liposomal products on the market claiming to increase absorption of GSH.

Not all brands or formulations of synthetic (low quality) glutathione may be effective, and scientists are still studying how glutathione supplements affect the body.

**A liposome is a lipid in an aqueous (water) part of the molecule

Acetyl Glutathione IS a liposomal molecule already

The Acetyl group carries the GSH into the cell and into the *mitochondria (the energy powerhouses of each cell), then the Acetyl group is cleaved (chopped off) and is sent to the Krebs cycle-now the GSH molecule is free to act in the cell-and then the GSH can get rid of the unpaired electrons (free radicals) that cellular respiration (energy production) causes.

*People who have more GSH have more mitochondria.

Once GSH has played its role, it turns into Glutathione Disulfide (GSSG, the oxidized form) and is either recycled or eliminated from the cell.

**Liposomal GSH as a product is GSH + Phosphatidyl Choline (PC)-2 different chemicals joined together to try and increase the absorption of the GSH.

After the peptidase enzymes act on the GSH, the PC is left to bring in other potential toxins into the cell. Liposomal GSH is costlier and tastes terrible! A very limited amount of GSH is carried across the membrane in a Liposomal product.

How can we benefit from taking Acetyl Glutathione?

Healthy people can benefit from elevated GSH levels through an enhanced ability to fight off toxins, infectious disease, pre-cancerous cells, and the aging process itself. Diminished GSH is a symptom of aging and is evident in Parkinsons disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Physically active people like world-class athletes know that GSH gives them an edge over their competitors, increasing strength and endurance, decreased recovery time from injury, less muscle pain and fatigue, and muscle-promoting activity.


GSH is like a “longevity drug.” A study showed when Telomere shortens, RNA & DNA copies are damaged and when Telomeres are very short—>telomere produces protein that generates a toxin that causes cancer.

GSH increases Telomere length on the end of the chromosomes to prevent lipid peroxidation.

All toxins ultimately cause their damage by directly oxidizing biomolecules, or by indirectly resulting in the oxidation (loss of electrons) of those biomolecules (proteins, sugars, fats, enzymes).

Oxidative stress then produces free radicals and inflammation to the tissue, and the tissue can no longer perform the normal chemical or metabolic functions.

GSH is the body’s master antioxidant that can reverse the oxidation of biomolecules, and that means that all disease states can be helped by taking this supplement. It binds and chelates heavy metals, xenobiotics, drugs, and toxins and clears them from the body. This means that all diseases can benefit from Acetyl Glutathione supplementation.

Antioxidants tie up damaging electrons but must be able to hand off to something to get rid of them.

If you give a person who is very toxic a lot of antioxidants without sufficient GSH, you can shut down Phase I detox in the liver. GSH must be given with other antioxidants so the antioxidants can transfer the electrons and detoxification is not halted.

Antioxidants are recharged and GSH gets rid of the extra damaging electrons.

Well-known antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium all depend upon the presence of GSH to function properly.

Our GSH level indicates our state of health and can predict longevity.

Long Covid

Over 20million people have Long Haul Covid!!

Our protocol at LabNaturals, Inc. (GlutathionePharmacist.com)-1500mg Acetyl Glutathione and make sure Vitamin D levels are adequate (50-75ng/dl). Within 2 weeks (some as early as 24hrs), people with debilitating symptoms are getting out of bed!

NAC keeps the mucous thin and was helpful in people who had Covid lung symptoms. Most continued Acetyl Glutathione for 6 months then discontinued, but some people (the smart ones!) wanted to stay on AG. In addition, we add trace minerals, no calcium, and stressed adequate hydration to remove toxins from kidneys and liver. We gave Beta Glucan 500-1000mg daily.

Long Covid is an inflammatory reaction to the spike protein made by the SARS Cov2. The spike protein is made so the virus can attach to cells. People with Long Covid cannot remove the spike protein from the body due to low Glutathione which is low due to the infection. The spike protein causes an inflamed blood vessel lining and can stack the red blood cells like rolls of coins, which cannot get through the damaged vessel, and thus cause mini clots in the blood vessels.

GSH makes everyone better and keeps people from getting worse. When Acetyl Glutathione is given at 10mg/pound with monoclonal antibodies-the side effect of inflammation from the monoclonal antibodies will be minimized or eliminated. MS patients are doing well with monoclonal antibodies will do better when therapy is paired with Acetyl Glutathione.

Immune function

GSH stimulates NK cell production, including enhancing and supporting function of T cells and is anti-viral, anti-covid, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. GSH assists with DNA repair, thus reducing the chance of cancer-causing mutations.

GSH supports a healthy immune response and enables the body to produce more white blood cells (T-Lymphocytes). Glutathione is like “food for the immune system.” We need GSH for a productive immune system, but a weakened immune system hampers the production of GSH.


88% of enzymes use Magnesium as a cofactor in the human body!

Inflammation of any kind causes depletion of Magnesium!

Asthma, Arthritis, Diabetes, Covid-any inflammatory condition=LOW Magnesium

Glutathione works with enzyme systems-Magnesium helps Glutathione works better and is anti-inflammatory itself.

If we can reduce inflammation we can reduce tissue damage. Uncontrolled inflammation is the cause of all disease. For example, Alzheimer’s plaque forms over to seal it off after damage occurs. Using high dose AG 10-20mg/pound of body weight in Alzheimer’s patients may delay the progression of the disease. The association between low glutathione and Alzheimer’s disease is especially strong. A recent study of Alzheimer’s patients has revealed greatly reduced glutathione levels in the brain – particularly in the frontal cortex and in the hippocampus, which is responsible for learning and memory.

AG decreases TNF-alpha, NF-kappa beta, and F-2 Isoprostane to decrease inflammation


Alcohol ages and damages the body and brain by increasing Triglycerides and Glycerol.

AG increase Alcohol Dehydrogenase to get rid of the alcohol and Triglycerides and Glycerol.

For every drink a person drinks they need 300mg of AG.

Drinking a bottle of wine but taking 1500mg AG will cause no hangover due to increase in alcohol dehydrogenase.

Interesting to note: A clinical trial published in BMC Gastroenterology concluded that supplementation with Glutathione can even help treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which is currently reaching epidemic proportions in the United States.

Alcohol is a libido killer because it lowers nitric oxide in the body. Acetyl Glutathione increases Nitric Oxide and Glutathione levels need to be sufficient for Arginine to continually increase Nitric Oxide. Arginine is temporary unless Glutathione is ok.


Topical Glutathione- Glutathione Palmitate- GSH Palmitate

Typically, the skin cells get less nutrients than the rest of the body. In all skin diseases the skin cells are low in GSH.

Acetyl Glutathione topically stinks like a sulfur bomb but adding palmitic acid decreases the stink along with essential oils and citrus seed extract as a preservative. 1ml=50mg GSH or 1 teaspoon (5gm=~250mg) in our 15% Glutathione Palmitate cream.

Our 15% Acetyl Glutathione in our proprietary anhydrous base will help heal inflammatory conditions like psoriasis, eczema, acne, and rosacea as well as absorbing the GSH through the skin.

The skin will use what is applied topically then what is left gets absorbed into the bloodstream.

Topical GSH heals fungus of fingernails and toenails (we make a product based on Glutathione called Fungi-Stat), increase wound healing by increasing blood supply, increasing oxygenation, and increasing blood flow and nutrients.

Glutathione is Anti-aging to the skin topically (LabNaturalsSKINcare Face RX-Glutathione plus peptides as well as LabNaturalsSKINcare Eye Treatment with Glutathione)-the skin gets GSH first and increases circulation and decreased inflammation.

It can lighten the skin i.e. liver spots on face and skin called lipofuscins, by providing its cysteine to create pheomelanin, a type of melanin associated with lighter skin.

GSH repairs, protects the DNA from damage due to overexposure to the sun, protects the skin from UV damage, supports nerve tissue, and provides collagen and elastic repair and maintenance.

Topical GSH protects skin cells from irreversible oxidation induced by Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). GSH either acts as a shield or as a detoxifier of skin proteins.


Dosing of GSH

The body makes about 100mg per day but 300mg per day is needed to restore GSH levels.

There is no toxicity with GSH-it is likened to water in its safety.

400mg/kg has safely been given to animals weighing less than 10kg with no side effects.

Typical dose for a 150lb adult is 300mg/day, but we are finding that higher amounts are needed as we age for anti-aging effects.


Study: Researchers found that glutathione deficiency raises the risk of heart attack by a substantial 30 percent

Study: Glutathione helps “put the brakes” on cellular damage and oxidative stress

A recent randomized, double-blind study published in the peer-reviewed European Journal of Nutrition has highlighted the beneficial effects of glutathione supplementation.

To conduct the study, researchers randomly divided a group 54 adult volunteers into three sections, then gave one group 250 mg of glutathione a day and another group 1,000 mg a day. (A third group received a placebo).

The oral supplementation caused substantial increases in the glutathione levels in red blood cells, white blood cells and lymph cells – and almost tripled levels in buccal (mouth) cells. Significantly, higher glutathione levels have been linked with a lowered risk of mouth cancer.

+Study: N=24, topical application of Glutathione Palmitate cream caused an average increase of 300% NK killer cells in 6 weeks at 1 teaspoon (5gm=~250mg) daily

+Ted worked with the Olympic Committee in Denver Colorado. When they gave marathoners 500mg AG prior to a race, after 1 hr. and 2 hours the runner knocked 10 minutes of their time.

+A famous linebacker in the NFL for 16 years suffered no CTE by taking AG for 4-5 years out of 10 years. (First 5 years he was on IV GSH- By the way IV only works for 2 hours in the body then the peptidase enzyme enzymes break it up.

+Sports clients like hockey players, they use up a lot of GSH, recoup faster by taking 1500mg AG prior and 1500mg after a game.

Glutathione and Covid and Oxidative Stress



**Adapted from Kidd & Huber, “Natural Antioxidants-First line of defense.” 1991

Selected Medical References for Glutathione


It is well known that aging is accompanied by a precipitous fall in glutathione levels. Lower glutathione levels are implicated in many diseases associated with aging including cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s atherosclerosis and other

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 47: 1021-26, 1994

Antioxidant Functions

Antioxidants are well documented and known to possess vital roles in health maintenance and disease prevention. Glutathione is your cell’s own major antioxidant. Maintaining elevated glutathione levels aids the body’s natural antioxidant function.

Biochemical Pharmacology 47: 2113-2123, 1994

Neurological Disease

Low glutathione levels have been associated with neuro-degenerative diseases such as MS (multiple sclerosis), ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, among others.

The Lancet 344: 796-798, 1994


Glutathione plays a role in eliminating many carcinogens and also maintains and optimized immune function, providing stronger anti-tumor defenses.

Cancer letters 57: 91-94, 1991

Athletic Performance

Raised glutathione levels help increase strength and endurance. Those interested in physical fitness can benefit from a definite athletic edge.

Journal of Applied Physiology 87: 1381-1385, 1999

Toxins, Pollution, Radiation

Glutathione detoxifies a variety of pollutants, carcinogens and poisons, including many found in fuel exhaust and cigarette smoke. It also retards damage from radiation exposure due to the eroding ozone layer.

Annual Reviews of Biochemistry 52: 711-760, 1983


Low glutathione levels correspond to poor survival in AIDS patients. Much documentation demonstrates the role of enhanced glutathione levels in AIDS.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 94: 1967-72, 1997

Heart Disease, Stroke and Cholesterol

Raised glutathione levels fight the oxidation of circulating fats in the bloodstream, including cholesterol, retarding the process of plaque formation in the arteries – the underlying cause for most heart disease and stroke.

Nutrition Reviews 54: 1-30, 1996


Diabetics are more prone to infections and circulatory problems leading to heart disease, kidney failure and blindness. Glutathione protects against the complications of diabetes.

Clinical Science 91: 575-582, 1996

Lung disease

Doctors have used glutathione-promoting drugs to treat many lung diseases including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Newer potential therapeutic roles can be found for cigarette smoke damage, pulmonary fibrosis, and other illnesses.

American Journal of Medical Science 307: 119-127, 1994

Digestive diseases

Glutathione protects the body from the inflammation of gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease including ulcerative colitis and crohn’s disease.

Gut 42: 485-492, 1998


The liver is the major storehouse for glutathione. Glutathione is impaired in alcoholic hepatitis as well as in viral hepatitis including hepatitis A, B, and C. Raised glutathione levels restore liver function.

American Journal of Gastroenterology 91: 2569-2573, 1996

Kidney Disease

People with kidney failure or dialysis suffer from higher levels of oxidative stress and decreased glutathione levels. Raised glutathione levels help prevent anemia.

Nephron 61: 404-408, 1992

Pregnancy, Lactation and Childbirth

Glutathione’s role in fetal and placental development is crucial. It also acts in the placenta to detoxify pollutants before they can reach the developing child. Many complications of pregnancy have been linked with poor glutathione levels.

Early Human Development 37: 167-174, 1994